Friday, 14 September 2012

Get a Verified Paypal Account From Paypal Unsupported Country

We all know that Paypal is the World's largest e-commerce solution that allows a person or an organization to pay money to their clients and customers over the internet. With Paypal people can shop from online stores such as from Amazon and Ebay.

There are many disadvantages of not having a Paypal specially if you are a online seller or you are a blogger.You can miss many projects and payments because they only support payment through Paypal.Paypal cannot be used in any unsupported country because you cannot verify your Paypal from these countries.

But in today's post I will tell you how you can verify your Paypal account if your are living in an Paypal unsupported country. Follow each and every step carefully.

Before moving further first complete the following two steps(Recommended):

  • Download CCleaner.
  • Clear your browser's cache and history.
  • Don't use a proxy.
After completing the above steps follow the below steps to get a verified Paypal account. All the steps should be observed carefully.

Verify Your Paypal:

  • Go to Payoneer Affiliates.
  • Complete the sign up process by clicking the Sign Up button on Payoneer.
  • Enter your correct information.
  • Your Payoneer account will be approved within a day. Mine was approved in 10 minutes.
  • Payoneer will send you a email to confirm your account and will ask you if you want to get a US Payment service or not.
  • Email will ask you to answer some easy questions.Answer them all correctly.
  • After your reply to the email,Payoneer will review your application and will easily accept you in their network.
  • After you are approved in Payoneer network you will receive an email which will inlcude your Bank Account number,Routing number and Bank name like the one below:
  • Now,go to Paypal. Make sure you choose United States as your country.
  • Fill the form with US phone number and address. You can create fake names,numbers,addresses from fakenamegenerator.  
  • Fill out the form by copying the information from fakenamegenerator to your Paypal sign up form.
  • After sign up process you will get an option to verify your Paypal account either through Bank Account or through your Credit Card.
  • Select Bank Account option from it.
  • Paypal will ask for your Bank Name,Routing Name and Account Number.
  • Copy all the bank details you will get through email from Payoneer in your Paypal Verification Form.
  • Within 1-3 days Paypal will transfer two deposits below $1 into your Payoneer account.
  • After receiving the payment,go to Paypal and enter the amount that was transferred to your Payoneer.
  • Soon you will receive an email from Paypal confirming your account. Click on the"Activate My Account"tab to activate your confirmed Paypal.

Congratulations! You have finally verified your account by living in Paypal unsupported country.

How to withdraw payment from Paypal:

You know that we linked the Payoneer account with our Paypal Account. To withdraw money from Paypal go to Withdraw section and choose your Payoneer account from there. Your payment will be directly sent to your Payoneer account. You can get a Payoneer credit card for your country or you can link Pauyoneer with your local bank. In this way you withdraw your Paypal transferred money from Payoneer.


I have verified my Paypal account by living in Pakistan. Remember Pakistan is included in Paypal unsupported countries.

Do Like and share us if you found this article interesting and helpful. Peace and Blessing.