Wednesday, 5 September 2012

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5 Tools that will help you discover who unfollowed you on Twitter

Twitter is the second most popular networking site to Facebook, other categories of the kind includes, LinkedIn, Google Plus etc. Since 2006, Twitter has been growing with a large number of users and celebrities have found it convenient a place to pass out their comment to fans. What makes Twitter unique to its counterpart in that, users follows each other on the networking goes on and on in that trend.

Just as the facebook has the unfriend features along with account deletion, so also is Twitter equipped with an Unfollow button, where you can decide to unfollow a network you have been following before.

As it is hard to detect if someone unfriends you on facebook so also it is hardly to detect whoever unfollowed you on Twitter, but with some powerful tools, you are able to know whoever has unfollowed you on Twitter network.

Building more networks keeps you at the top of your game, on Twitter, if someone unfollows you, it means you are loosing out in your network, and the numbers of your fans are reducing, this might have a marked effect on your business, that is why so many people dislike been unfollowed. How do you now find out if someone has unfollowed you on twitter?

These 5 Tools will make you discover whoever has unfollowed you on Twitter


The logo of this tool itself is enough to describe what it does; the design has a bird attached to it somewhat like mocking the Twitter bird in Twitter logo. This tool is designed to send you an email alert on weekly basis showing you individuals that had unfollowed you on Twitter. Qwitter also makes you identify spammers or people who are up to stealing some private information from you. The catchy slogan on Qwitter says “catching Twitter quitters”.

Who Unfollowed Me:

Unlike Qwitter, Who Unfollwed Me will not send you and email alert, instead, you will have to visit the Who Unfollowed Me website for you to be able to make use of the tool to discover who has unfollowed you on Twitter. You need not to create a new sign up account, as you will sign in with your Twitter account.

Good Bye Buddy:

This tool is the most interactive of the 5 tools available to discover who unfollowed you on Twitter. The tool does not send out email alert, rather it works as an unfollower monitor keeping a tab of those who unfollowed you on Twitter. To access this tool, just login to Twitter and follow @goodbyebuddy, it will begin to give you a list of those who is unfollowing you.

Twitta Quittas:

The technology in this tool is quite unique compared to the other 4 tools to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter. This tool tracks down your tweeps that has started leaving your back, make a complete compilation of them, and send them to you on a daily email message.

Mr Unfollower:

This tool is the easiest of the 5 tools to find out who unfollowed you on twitter. You follow @unfollowr on twitter just like the Goodbye buddy. An instant email alert is given to you immediately someone unfollows you.

These tools reveal to you people that unfollowed you on Twitter, and this will help you monitor how strong or slim your network is becoming and you will thereby know what action you need to intensify on. Feel free to share your comment.

About Author:

This article is a contribution of guest writer Olukunle Moses; He is a blogger and has pleasure in giving out information to people especially easing their financial stress through the service of Payday Loan UK.